Chocolate Topped Orange Morsels

Orange butter cookies with easy decorative chocolate topping. Simply place a chocolate chip on a hot cookie fresh from the oven. Then, use the point of a toothpick to drag melted chocolate across the top to give it a drizzled-on appearance.




8 dozen




  • 1 cup (2 sticks) Challenge Unsalted Butter
  • 1½ cups sugar
  • 1 Tablespoons finely chopped or grated fresh orange zest
  • 1 egg
  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ cup fresh orange juice
  • ⅓ cup semi sweet chocolate chips


  • 1

    Preheat oven to 350°F.

  • 2

    Cream butter, sugar and orange zest, until light and fluffy. Beat in egg. Whisk together flour, salt, and baking soda. Stir flour mixture into butter mixture, alternating with orange juice; blend well.

  • 3

    Scoop up dough into rounded 1-inch diameter portions and place 2-inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes or until edges are lightly brown.

  • 4

    Remove from oven and add a chocolate chip to the top of each hot cookie. Allow a minute for the chocolate to soften then spread with the edge of a toothpick using parallel strokes (this gives the appearance of drizzled-on chocolate.)

  • 5

    Transfer cookies to a wire rack to let cookies cool and chocolate solidify. Store in an airtight container.


  • !

    Use only the thin orange peel, not the bitter white pith beneath.

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