Tea parties are the perfect excuse to gather friends together for an afternoon and share great food, stories and a laugh or two. That’s why we’re celebrating Spring with a virtual tea party!

Challenge Dairy has asked me and four amazing food bloggers to share our favorite delicacies perfect for tea, brunch, a shower…basically any special occasion, or even just an excuse to make one of these scrumptious dishes. Plus, I would like to share some party planning tips with you that I have learned over my years of hosting tea parties. Enjoy!


Tea Party Tips

  1. Print out invitations on your home computer using pretty floral stationary or parchment paper. Decorate with pearls, lace or rhinestones. Invite guests to come in their “fancy dresses.” Tuck a tea bag in the envelope as a special surprise!
  2. Tea parties are for all ages! Great for a children’s birthday, or even for Grandma’s special day! How about having a tea party for your next shower or book party? A tea party in anyone’s honor is a great way to show them how special they are to you.
  3. You don’t have a matching tea set? No problem! It is quite beautiful to mix and match pieces of china and glassware. You can even invite your guests to bring their favorite tea cup to the party. If you still want a matching set and can’t find one-make one! You can purchase glass paint designed for home use at any craft store. Consider letting your guests paint their own tea cups for a memorable party favor. For directions and tips on how to create your own tea set, visit my site, Living a Creative Life, for more instructions.
  4. You can elevate your food to new heights when you create your own dessert stand! Simply place a large dinner plate on your table to act as the base. Place a wine glass or pretty drinking glass in the middle followed by a salad plate. Decorate with fresh flowers and add your favorite confections.
  5. Decorate your table with memories. Place an old scarf or a piece of lace purchased at a fabric store (just cut, tuck under ends, no sewing needed) Arrange fresh bouquets of flowers in small vases, canning jars or wine glasses down the center of the table. Scatter old pictures and postcards between the flowers. Add your favorite string of pearls, rhinestone broaches and special event earrings to embellish your table. You will have fun talking about the memories that come to mind as you and your friends enjoy your one of a kind centerpiece.
  6. Serve an assortment of foods, both savory and sweet. If you don’t have a lot of time to prepare, buy store bought items and embellish them. Make food beautiful by decorating it with edible flowers and fresh herbs and serve on beautiful plates-it is all in the presentation!
  7. Offer your guests an assortment of hot and cold teas. For something a bit different, make a garnish plate to add a surprising new flavor to your drink. On a platter beautifully arrange lemon, orange and lime slices. Also include fresh raspberries, strawberries and slices of cool cucumbers. Fresh herbs add fragrance and a refreshing taste. Make sure to include fresh lavender, basil and sprigs of mint.
  8. For your ice tea drinkers, spoil them with some fancy ice cubes! Use a standard ice cube tray, and add an edible flower, a curl of lemon zest or some fresh herbs. Fill with water and freeze. Serve cubes in a crystal bowl with silver ice tongs.